The proposed restoration and renovation of the Coast Inn, Coast Liquor and Olympic Cottage by Dornin Investment Group have enabled these Laguna Beach landmarks to receive an “E” Exceptional Historic Rating upon completion. Buildings with this classification are outstanding historic architectural examples. Most have been recommended eligible for the National Register and those which were not may be considered for National status in the future. Buildings in this category are usually in excellent architectural condition and are typically unique or excellent historical and/or historical architectural examples.
City of Laguna Beach Significance Criteria
Pursuant to the City’s Municipal Code, Chapter 25.45 Historic Preservation, any structure considered for placement on the Laguna Beach Historic Register must be at least fifty (50)years old and the following criteria shall be used in consideration:
a)Structures that most retain their original appearance and architectural integrity using the rating system of “E,” “K,” and “C” as described in the historic resources element of the general plan;
b)Structures that most represent character, interest or value as part of the heritage of the city;
c)The location as a site of significant historic event;
d)The identification with a person or persons or groups who significantly contributed to the culture and development of the city;
e)The exemplification of a particular style or way of life important to the city;
f)The embodiment of elements of outstanding attention to architectural design, detail, materials, or craftsmanship.